It’s a big decision, going abroad
There’s a lot to consider. We’ve consolidated answers to common questions about our program below.
Want to talk to us directly? Contact us, we’d love to hear from you.
- 1. What is Your Cancellation Policy?Author: mission 04.10.17
Our Registration and Cancellation Policies are as follows.
Reservations and Payment Terms:
Trip registration and traveler’s applications are considered on a rolling admissions basis. A deposit of $300.00 per traveler is necessary to secure enrollment in any Peace Works Travel (PWT) program. Upon receipt of your registration deposit, an invoice will be sent electronically to the payee, indicating the deposit and program balance costs, payable immediately until the deadline of 90 days pre-departure of your trip program. Late registration penalties of 10% total trip cost may apply to Participant account balances unpaid after the 90-day pre-departure deadline, and priority placement given to other Participant traveler applicants on the Waiting List. Failure to pay full balance by 60 days pre-departure may result in Participant application denial. Additional bank merchant credit card processing fee of 3% applies to payments processed by payees on our website using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted payment portal.
Cancellation Policies:
Final payments are due between 90-60 days pre-departure according to the PWT Program for which the Participant is applying. Cancellations between 120-90 days pre-departure are subject to a loss of $300. Cancellations are subject to 100% loss of airfare cost purchased on Participant’s behalf. Cancellations between 89-60 days pre-departure are subject to a loss of 40% of trip costs. Cancellations between 59 and 31 days pre-departure are subject to a loss of 60% of trip costs. Cancellations 30 days or fewer are subject to a loss of 100% of total price.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 2227 Times - 2. Is there Financial Aid available?Author: mission 13.10.17
Want to travel on a Peace Works program but need financial aid? The Friendship Fund is a non-profit scholarship foundation operated by teachers and students affiliated with the socially-conscious abroad program, Peace Works Travel. We reward student efforts to fundraise for their education abroad programs with supplementary grants. We recognize the value of experiential learning for young people of all financial backgrounds. We know that when students are inspired to explore the world on a life-changing learning adventure, their family and friends will support their vision. Submit an application to be considered for a funds-matching grant.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1831 Times - 3. Does Peace Works maintain incident reports from traveling groups?Author: mission 13.10.17
Yes. All Host Managers and teacher leaders are provided with an Emergency Action Plan, Risk Management Handbook and Incident Reports to document pertinent issues while on tour. Records are kept for five years, and available for inspection upon request. Our travel program is very well organized, with minimal risks left to chance. No traveler has experienced any medical emergency more serious than a stomach bug, nor a street crime more serious than pick-pocketing. While it is an exceedingly rare occurrence, Peace Works has exercised the right to send repeatedly rule-breaking students home unaccompanied at their parents or institution’s expense.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1765 Times - 4. Does Peace Works register traveling groups with the U.S. State Department?Author: mission 13.10.17
Yes: At 5-10 days pre-departure, we register all travelers with STEP (Safe Traveler Enrollment Program) of the U.S. State Department Information and Assistance division.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1665 Times - 5. What legal documents are participants required to sign in order to participate in a Peace Works program?Author: mission 13.10.17
An understanding of all travelers’ rules, rights and responsibilities are a necessary requirement of participation. We believe in full transparency and informed disclosures to parents, institutions and students so as to ensure that medical waivers and assumptions of risk are meaningful. All participants and their guardians are required to behave ethically, read, understand and indicate compliance with their signatures. Please see attached: “Waiver of Responsibility & Consent to Assume Risk with Medical Authorization,” “Rules of Conduct for Student Travelers,” “Peace Works Participation Agreement.” No participant is asked to indemnify the company for sole or willful negligence of its staff, provider or affiliate.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1759 Times - 6. Some of the Peace Works itinerary programs include visits to memorial sites, genocide museums, and survivors’ testimonials. How do you prepare student travelers for such emotionally-challenging experiences?Author: mission 13.10.17
Our program balances “darkness and light” offering travelers an understanding of the humanity’s capacity for evil, good, and recovery. All travelers are prepared with curriculum and reading prior to departure. We provide teacher-leader training for the reflection activities designed to assist students process the disturbing information they will encounter. Before and after visiting to an emotionally challenging site, teachers are equipped with discussion questions, journal-writing prompts, and reflection exercises to help students make sense their experiences. After travelers have had time to process their feelings, visits to inspirational places (such as playgrounds, spiritual sites, or musical performances) affirms confidence in human resiliency to heal.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1620 Times - 7. What are the qualifications of your staff? How does your team work together?Author: mission 13.10.17
Trip leadership in each region and country of our operations are conducted by Peace Works Host Managers, local travel professionals with a minimum of 5 years’ experience leading educational groups. Each group leader is college educated, English-speaking, equipped with First Aid training and kits, CPR certification and a robust network of in-country emergency support. Regular communication with global staff and QA meetings (before each group departs) confirm destination conditions, transportation services, and activities. During the trip, Peace Works office supports the facilitation of teacher-leader communications back home to school administrators and/or parents at the level of institutional preference.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1860 Times - 8. Does Peace Works Travel place traveler’s funds in a secure Trust Account?Author: mission 13.10.17
Yes. As per compliance with the California Department of Justice Seller of Travel regulations, Peace Works maintains separate Client Trust Funds and Company Operations accounts. Our Travel Restitution Consumer Protection is # 2124149-40
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1744 Times - 9. What are the terms of Peace Works group travel insurance coverage?Author: mission 13.10.17
Travel insurance with coverage for emergency medical expenses is mandatory for all travelers engaged in Peace Works programs. Institutions wishing to use their own travel insurance must provide copies of policy to Peace Works so as to ensure clear communication of emergency service contact to our in-country partners. For your convenience, we offer a Travelex Insurance Services protection plan to help protect you and your travel investment against the unexpected. Contact us for more information.
Travelex Insurance Services, Inc. CA Agency License #0D10209. Travel Insurance is underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company; NAIC #22276.Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1926 Times - 10. What are the terms of Peace Works Travel Liability insurance? Does it also indemnify schools or other institutions?Author: mission 13.10.17
Group travel incidents are covered with a comprehensive 2-million-dollar liability insurance plan. A certificate naming the school or institution as an indemnified entity may be obtained for an additional $50.00 fee. Neither Peace Works Travel nor any of its founders, board or staff have faced any criminal proceeding or judgment against them for professional or personal complaints.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1739 Times - 11. What can travelers expect?Author: mission 31.07.17
Housing, Food and Water:
Students are accommodated in same-gendered shared rooms, typically double-occupancy, unless in a dormitory setting. Students have their own beds and share a bathroom. Breakfast is served onsite, and students are briefed on the day’s plans each night previous with ample time to prepare, sleep and bathe before departure. Lunches and dinners are served in a diversity of authentic restaurants for travelers to sample many local social enterprises. All food is “western-stomach-friendly” and the ice is made of purified water. Specialty drinks – smoothies, sodas, juice or coffee-- in the restaurants are not included, but can be ordered and paid for individually. Travelers are briefed on the environmental issues of plastic bottle waste in each location, and are encouraged to refill their own water bottles from the large purified dispensers available in hotels and homestays. Liters of purified bottled water are provided on the busses to all travelers upon request.Transportation:
Students are transported in private, air-conditioned coaches for long distances, and in the local style (Tuk-tuks or cyclos), for short distances (a mile or less). All drivers abide by strict rules of operation, are regulated by the luxury transportation company and certified by Ministries of Tourism in each destination. Peace Works Travel does not transport groups at night without explicit advanced permission of the trip leaders and disclosure to parents.Daily Activities:
Every day on a Peace Works Travel program offers a unique adventure connecting the abstractions of academic learning to the lives of ordinary people. The traveling rhythm alternates between high energy excursions, and quiet restorative time. Witness the sunrise above the ancient, jungle-entwined monuments of Angkor Wat. Take dancing lessons with Hutu and Tutsi musicians of Rwandan unity. Trek mist-woven mountains to hill-tribe villages scarcely touched by technology. Enjoy French fusion gourmet cooking lessons taught by former street children trained in Saigon’s fine culinary arts. Play baseball with Che Guevara’s relatives and understand “Revolucion!” through Cuban history. Construct an organic orchard for the victims of Agent Orange poisoning at the Vietnam Peace Village in Hanoi. Each destination and excursion has a lesson, a purpose and unforgettable people with whom we connect and humanize. Our curriculum fosters consciousness of scale, firsthand knowledge of how international foreign policies impact communities, then and now.Safety:
Our programs leave very little to chance. All Host Managers and trip leaders have been trained in emergency preparedness, and carry first-aid kits and cell phones at all times. Travelers are briefed on basic “street smarts” before excursions.Upon Return:
Students are expected to complete a post-trip program evaluation providing feedback and expression of their heightened global consciousness. Digital Storytelling programs require post-trip production of media projects. Internship, film festival and photography contest opportunities are made available to especially engaged alumni student travelers.Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 2084 Times - 12. Can I talk to past participants and parents of former travelers?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
Absolutely. Please contact us and we’ll connect with you the families of our alumni travelers. Learning first hand from previous travelers about their everyday experience on our program is a great way to address any additional questions and concerns.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1744 Times - 13. How do I contact the student or teacher traveler during the program?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
The Internet is the most convenient way to stay in touch and will be available at most of our destinations, except Cuba. During our daily reflection time, students utilize Wifi to upload pictures, blog and email back home. In case of emergency, each chaperone carries an international cell phone and can be contacted at any time. Program Leaders will communicate safe arrival to new cities post-transit. We request that parents limit contact with their children to urgent matters, as expectations of constant connectivity unnecessarily increases anxiety for all parties.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1976 Times - 14. How much spending money should I bring?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
Our tours are all-inclusive programs: supervision, transportation, lodging and meals– but not drinks other than water. There will be opportunities to shop for souvenirs and support socially-conscious artists. We suggest $80 to $200.00 USD per week for elective personal expenses.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1902 Times - 15. Can I bring my portable electronics on the trip?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
One of the primary objectives of our trips is experiential learning—actively interacting with a foreign culture through service work and travel. Use of portable electronics are permitted during appropriate times on the trip, such as bus rides, digital storytelling and quiet reflection time. Students must comply with Program Leader directives regarding their devices: use and storage.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1851 Times - 16. How does Peace Works Travel handle emergencies?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
Our Emergency Action Plan establishes clear decision-making processes to support travelers’ health and well-being in cooperation with all stakeholders. Distinguishing between a “crisis” and an “urgent action” our EAP assigns emergency management roles to U.S. staff and local partners abroad, to resolve unforeseen issues affecting individual travelers or the entire group. Actions requiring the temporary or permanent evacuation of a single traveler from the program, (for example, due to health or behavior), are mapped differently than actions affecting program modification for the whole group (for example, due to weather or transportation.) In each case, staff and host managerial partners are trained annually in risk management scenarios and resolutions. While rare, evacuations of single or groups of travelers are handled with the utmost professionalism to support a positive overall experience upon the resolution of the issue. Peace Works Travel operates in compliance with the school or group institution communications policies and channels as defined pre-departure. We are committed to supporting all stakeholders – schools, teachers, parents and our partners — with integrity, principles of open communication, proactive and efficient care.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1859 Times - 17. Can you accommodate vegetarians or special dietary concerns?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
All travelers appreciate delicious and authentic meals throughout their Peace Works Travel program. Vegetarian diets are easily accommodated. Kosher menus can be requested for the group in advance. While we aim to offer cuisine options for a variety of food tastes, Peace Works Travel cannot guarantee that all food choices will be without allergens and those with food allergies are encouraged to take any necessary precautions to ensure their safety and comfort.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1670 Times - 18. What is Homestay?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
Homestay is best described as a rustic Bed & Breakfast with a family. In Homestay, students experience the authenticity of cooking, eating and sleeping in the local cultural style. All Homestays are licensed by the local government and audited annually for quality, integrity and safety. In the Mekong Delta, groups can Homestay on the tropical properties of former Vietcong generals, turned orchid farmers. In Cambodia, groups Homestay at a Jesuit Center dedicated to teaching visitors to empathize with war refugees, landmine victims and the poor. In Laos, students may Homestay at an old monastery, rising at dawn to live like a monk for a day. In Cuba, students Homestay at “Casas Particulares” where matriarchs treat all guests like family. Each Homestay option is unique and offers an unscripted snapshot of ordinary life. For lodging, same-gender students share rooms with personal beds under insect repellent netting. Group restroom facilities are modest and clean. No student is ever alone in a Homestay unsupervised.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1865 Times - 19. Where will we stay?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
Active travel requires physical energy of our travelers; we stay in places which are both restorative and comfortable. All hotels provide convenient buffet breakfast for group flexibility in the mornings. Same-gender students room together in pairs, sharing a private bath.
Students and teachers utilize facilities of the hotel to foster individual reflection and study time. Access to Internet, light snacks, exercise rooms and life-guarded swimming pools are typical amenities. Most of our itineraries offer a balance of overnights in boutique, four-star hotels and in Homestay accommodations.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1738 Times - 20. Why support “socially-conscious enterprises?”Author: mission 31.07.17
It’s democracy at its finest. We vote with our money, and choose products which serve our values. Our tour revenue invests in programs and providers committed to local prosperity. We patronize restaurants serving authentic, restorative meals for good health, farm to table. We overnight in historical landmark hotels, boutique resorts and Homestays with “triple bottom line” business practices: People, Planet and Profits. We’re decreasing barriers to connectivity, teaching students how to walk the talk.
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View the Health & Safety FAQs
- Health & Safety
- 1. Bad weather, political upheaval and power outages are not uncommon in developing countries. How do you respond to issues of safety and security if such events occur?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
The safety of our student travelers is our top priority. Additionally, Peace Works Travel independently reviews UN reports and NGO updates, keeping close track of the political and social environments of the countries we visit. We pre-register all of our travelers with the U.S. State Department and American embassies in the destination country. The professional excellence and superior knowledge of our local partners serves our goal of crisis prevention; early-awareness of potential hazards is taken seriously and we err on the side of minimizing risk in determining itinerary modifications. Peace Works Travel reserves the right to cancel or modify an itinerary if conditions warrant a change of plan.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1715 Times - 2. What vaccinations and health precautions do you recommend?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
All travelers should see their physician prior to departure in order to make informed decisions about necessary immunizations and booster shots. Generally, our tour itineraries are classified as “urban and upscale” according to the Center for Disease Control, and present very low health risks to the traveler. Vaccination recommendations will vary according to itinerary destinations, season and personal choice. Student travelers who follow our preparatory “packing list” will be well-equipped for the temperatures and conditions present on their itineraries. Our Best Practices further minimize the possibility of illness and injury. In addition, groups are furnished with bottled water, anti-bacterial hand wipes, bug repellent and sunscreen as needed.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1916 Times - 3. What rules ensure constant monitoring of students throughout the program? What is the protocol for nighttime supervision?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
To ensure overall well-being, students are never left unsupervised when outside of their private rooms. Program Leaders are always present during group activities and we employ the “buddy system” for brief departures from the group (ie; to use the restroom). Students are not permitted to leave the hotel at the conclusion of the day’s activities and Teacher Program Leaders conduct random room checks during “hotel free-time.” Students who require a rest day are accompanied by a chaperone—no one is ever left behind.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1809 Times - 4. How do you address the issue of safety for female or non-gendered travelers?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
The violent crime rate in our destination countries is lower than that of most urban centers in the United States. Even still, we take the safety of female and non-gendered travelers very seriously. Adapting to cultural norms of conservative dress and behavior is the best way to avoid unwanted attention. All students are required to remain consistent with their public gender identity for the duration of the program, and to present a respectful demeanor in accordance with cultural standards. All students operate on the buddy system for brief departures from the group, for example, use of the restroom. We prepare our students before departure to dress and behave modestly. We regularly exercise the right to insist students change their clothes for more modest attire should they be in violation of these norms. Our host managers are trained to recognize and deflect or redirect potentially inappropriate behavior directed towards students from individuals outside the group. No student of any gender is permitted to engage in unsupervised communication with strangers. No hotel or Homestay rooms open directly to the street: all students’ rooms lock from the inside and are accessible to hotel security and/or chaperone observation.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 2071 Times - 5. What happens if a traveler needs medical attention?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
Every program is equipped with standard safety and medical preparations: first aid kits, bottled water and ready access to medical-professional staff. Program Leaders are CPR certified, trained to administer basic first aid, and travel with copies of student medical data forms at all times. Although our solid planning, participant screening and safety precautions have ensured that no student traveler has suffered a medical issue requiring hospitalization, Peace Works Travel is prepared for issues requiring emergency medical care. In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, our team secures the health and safety of the students first, and will contact stakeholders (schools, administrators, parents) immediately thereafter. Peace Works Travel promises clear and candid communication with all stakeholders in accordance with institution preference for designated communication channels.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 2116 Times - 6. How does Peace Works Travel Handle Emergencies?Author: Felicity Sicre 10.08.17
Our Emergency Action Plan establishes clear decision-making processes to support travelers’ health and well-being in cooperation with all stakeholders. Distinguishing between a “crisis” and an “urgent action” our EAP assigns emergency management roles to U.S. staff and local partners abroad, to resolve unforeseen issues affecting individual travelers or the entire group. Actions requiring the temporary or permanent evacuation of a single traveler from the program, (for example, due to health or behavior), are mapped differently than actions affecting program modification for the whole group (for example, due to weather or transportation.) In each case, staff and host managerial partners are trained annually in risk management scenarios and resolutions. While rare, evacuations of single or groups of travelers are handled with the utmost professionalism to support a positive overall experience upon the resolution of the issue. Peace Works Travel operates in compliance with the school or group institution communications policies and channels as defined pre-departure. We are committed to supporting all stakeholders – schools, teachers, parents and our partners — with integrity, principles of open communication, proactive and efficient care.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 1875 Times - 7. How does Peace Works Travel manage the threat of Covid-19?Author: mission 15.03.23
To manage the threat still posed by Covid-19 variants, we are employing additional measures. We require vaccination against Covid-19 as a condition of participation. We ask that all participants take a rapid Covid test the day before beginning our program. In addition, we have increased adult supervision, increased rooming spaces, heightened daily health and wellness monitoring, revised illness response and virus mitigation protocol, mandatory vaccination policies and, where appropriate, indoor masking requirements for all participants. In the field, we have structured itineraries to maximize the outdoor, open air activities, minimizing time spent in close, non-ventilated spaces.
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