Wednesday, March 28th, 2012
Exploring the Angkor Temples
Laguna Blanca School in Cambodia Days 4 & 5Yesterday we woke up really early to go to Siem Reap. After settling in at our new hoot,l we ventured to the temples. The ones we saw were considered the smaller of the complex, but several were fairly large. These temples reminded me of the ones in Tikal, Guatemala; they were large,… [Read Full Article]Cambodia Student Trips,PWT Guest Bloggers,Student travelers

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012
Traditional Homestay on the Mekong Delta
Santa Barbara students in VietnamDays 4 & 5The home stay for us was a really great experience!We arrived at our home stay late at night to a wonderful dinner and buzzing mosquitos complemented by mosquito nets for the beds. The night we spent there was a fantastic bonding experience, but we woke up with throbbing bites. After we ate breakfast,… [Read Full Article]Global Community,PWT Guest Bloggers,Vietnam Student Trips

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
Tuesday Travel Tip: Crossing the Street in Vietnam
Crossing the street is one of those things, like lacing your shoes, that hopefully, by the time you’ve reached adulthood, is second nature. We’re trained to cross the street safely from the time we can walk. Form holding your mom’s hand to journeying on your own, the method is the same: pause at the corner, look both ways, make sure… [Read Full Article]Live Learn Travel,Teacher Travel Tips

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
Siem Reap: Temple Tours and Shadow Puppet Orphanage
Laguna Blanca School in CambodiaGreetings from Cambodia! Today Milo and I reunited with the Laguna Blanca School group in Siem Reap, where we’re all having a great time. Today’s activities involved visits to some of Angkor’s “lesser” temples, if you can call them that—even the smaller, more remote complexes are staggeringly beautiful, juxtaposing human artifice with the power of nature, where the… [Read Full Article]Cambodia Student Trips,Student Community Service,Teacher Highlights

Monday, March 26th, 2012
Legacies of the Vietnam War: Learning from Living History
Santa Barbara students in VietnamHi everyone,Just a quick update to let you know that the group is doing fantastic! The kids are great and their enthusiasm is inspiring!Yesterday was a full day of unprecedented educational opportunities. Nick Ut and Chris Wain gave the group an exclusive conference room for an eyewitness play-by-play of the fateful napalming that burned Kim Phuc… [Read Full Article]Education Travel,Global Education,Kim Phúc Vietnam War Survivor,Student travelers,Vietnam Student Trips