Monday, November 17th, 2014
A Cuban Brain Drain, Courtesy of the U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry and the American ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, have praised the work of Cuban doctors dispatched to treat Ebola patients in West Africa. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently sent an official to a regional meeting the Cuban government convened in Havana to coordinate efforts to fight the disease. In Africa,… [Read Full Article]Education Travel,education travel programs,education travel tours,educational field trips,Educational travel programs,Global Community,Global Education,Live Learn Travel,Peace Works Travel,Peace Works Travel Upcoming Trips

Friday, November 14th, 2014
President Obama fostering human rights and partnership with Myanmar
Obama meets Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi at home where she was kept under arrest. Image: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 15 hours ago President Barack Obama gave a blunt assessment Friday of the need for further reform in Myanmar's move toward democracy, weighing into sensitive controversies over… [Read Full Article]Education Travel,education travel programs,education travel tours,educational field trips,Educational travel programs,Global Community,Global Education,Live Learn Travel,Myanmar News,Peace Works Travel,Peace Works Travel,Peace Works Travel Upcoming Trips,Political Thoughts,Power to the Peaceful

Thursday, November 13th, 2014
Learning Through Travel
Experiential Programs Go Deep Thursday, November 13, 2014 by TYLER HAYDEN There’s more to learning than the box of the classroom and the tedium of textbooks, and when students and teachers escape outside, horizons are inevitably broadened. While Santa Barbara schools have long scheduled field trips to Yosemite, Space Camp, and Washington, D.C. — tried-and-true excursions… [Read Full Article]Education Travel,education travel programs,education travel tours,educational field trips,Educational travel programs,free travel for teachers,Global Community,Global Education,Live Learn Travel,Peace Works Travel,Peace Works Travel,Power to the Peaceful,Student travelers