Sunday, March 25th, 2012
Cambodia: First Impressions of Phnom Penh
Laguna Blanca School in CambodiaGood evening or perhaps good morning all,First and foremost, please know that your children are happy and safe. They have quickly connected and it has been wonderful to see them care for each other. We have been keeping busy. After shopping yesterday afternoon we let them rest for a bit and then went to dinner. Though some… [Read Full Article]Cambodia Student Trips,PWT Guest Bloggers,Teacher Highlights

Sunday, March 25th, 2012
LAX to Saigon
Santa Barbara students in VietnamWe departed LAX as scheduled and spent the next 14 hours trying to get some sleep. All of us were spread throughout the main cabin, but there were quite a few seats unsold, so most of us got the chance to spread out and occupy multiple seats. Definitely made the sleeping a bit easier. Just ask… [Read Full Article]PWT Guest Bloggers,Teacher Highlights,Vietnam Student Trips

Thursday, March 22th, 2012
Reflections on Cambodia: The Long Road to Recovery
As we’ve learned from our friends at Cambodian Living Arts, recovering from the legacy of the Khmer Rouge is a long and on-going process. After years of debate between the UN and Cambodian government, a war crime tribunal, designed to persecute those culpable for the mass slaughter that killed 1.7 million Cambodians between 1975-1979, was established in 2003. But it… [Read Full Article]Global Community,Global Education,Political Thoughts

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012
Cambodian Living Arts: a Catalyst for Peace
Cambodian Living Arts(CLA) is a nonprofit group dedicated to the revitalization of Cambodia’s rich arts and cultural traditions. Founded by Arn Chorn-Pond, a Cambodian-American refugee and human rights leader, in 1998, CLA’s mission is to positively transform Cambodia through the arts. But to fully understand the scope and significance of Cambodian Living Arts, we have to go back in time… [Read Full Article]Global Community,Live Learn Travel,Peace Works Travel

Thursday, March 15th, 2012
Summer Trip: Vietnam Discovery
Who says education can’t be fun? At Peace Works Travel (PWT), we understand that the most important learning goes on outside of the classroom. That’s why we’ve handcrafted unique adventures that explore South East Asia’s diverse beauty through educational and volunteer opportunities. Join us this summer on a trip through Vietnam and explore Saigon’s urban chaos, float down the lazy… [Read Full Article]Global Education,Peace Works Travel Upcoming Trips,Vietnam Student Trips