Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Travel Reflections
Day 10 - Final Moments in ThailandOn our final day in Thailand, many of us woke early to take advantage of the beach for the last time in the morning. The sun was out and hot by 8:30AM and we soaked in as much sun as possible. The ocean was cool and refreshing as we all floated on top of… [Read Full Article]Live Learn Travel,PWT Guest Bloggers,Teacher Highlights

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Last Day in Phuket
Emma Willard School in Thailand Day 9 - Hongs, James Bond Island & the OceanThis morning, we had the wonderful luxury of doing whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. Some of us woke up early and headed the beach to watch the sun rise, while others took advantage of the opportunity to sleep in. Those who didn't go to the beach… [Read Full Article]PWT Guest Bloggers,Student travelers

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Making Friends and a Difference
Emma Willard School in ThailandDay 8 - Tsunami OrphanageBan Nam Khem Tsunami Memorial ParkThe events of today were not at all as I expected. Before we got to the orphanage we were taken to the Ban Nam Khem Tsunami memorial park, that was dedicated to all the people that died in the tsunami that occurred in Phuket in 2004. It… [Read Full Article]PWT Guest Bloggers,Student Community Service,Student travelers

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012
Tuesday Travel Tips: Avoiding Jet Lag
photo by William EgglestonJet lag might seem like a small price to pay for the adventure of international travel, but it can still be a huge inconvenience, especially if your travel time is limited. There is nothing more annoying than wanting to discover the sights and sounds of a new place, only to be struck by jet lag’s paralyzing, mid-afternoon… [Read Full Article]Live Learn Travel,Student Travel Tips,Teacher Travel Tips

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012
Chiang Mai to Phuket
Emma Willard School in ThailandDay 7-Khao Lak PhuketToday we woke up and packed, we were all excited to get to Phuket and the beach. It was quiet during breakfast though, as we realized this was our last day in Chiang Mai and with Mr. Nok. After breakfast we got into a new bus and went to the airport mall. The mall… [Read Full Article]PWT Guest Bloggers,Student travelers