Thursday, March 01th, 2012
Forging Peace through Friendship
Francis Parker School - South to North - Day NineGood morning Vietnam! (Bet you weren’t expecting that one).We were unable to blog yesterday because our group is currently boarding a night train to Sapa. Yesterday, however, we had a relaxing start, and once again, had a delicious buffet filled with noodles, bread, and cereal. After breakfast, we spent the majority… [Read Full Article]Peace Works Travel,PWT Guest Bloggers,Student Community Service

Thursday, March 01th, 2012
Lessons in War and Peace
Francis Parker School - North to South - Day 8It was our first day waking up in Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon, as most locals still call it. After being toured around the city by our new tour guide, Mr. Trang, we headed to the Vietnam War Remnants Museum, and had more than an hour and a half to explore… [Read Full Article]Peace Works Travel,PWT Guest Bloggers,Student Community Service,Vietnam Student Trips