Peace Works Travel Blog

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

For U.S., Syria is truly a problem from hell

(CNN) -- What is widely recognized as the most authoritative study of the United States' responses to mass killings around the world -- from the massacres of Armenians by the Turks a century ago, to the Holocaust, to the more recent Serbian atrocities against Bosnian Muslims and the ethnic cleansing of the Tutsis in Rwanda -- concluded that they all… [Read Full Article]
Education Travel,education travel tours,educational field trips,Educational travel programs,Global Community,Global Education,Live Learn Travel,Peace Works Travel,War
Saturday, July 06th, 2013

Learning Lessons from Cambodia for a Better World

“Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” – Oscar Wilde.Art is undoubtedly the most subtle way of understanding life, world and most importantly, the self. Art is the phenomenal tool that easily unearths the different layers of inhibitions that bind people and help in breaking down the shackles that restrict men on the basis of culture, religion, region… [Read Full Article]
education travel programs,education travel tours
Saturday, June 15th, 2013

The Case for Skipping Class

What do America’s schools have against travel?In Darien, Connecticut, the public high schools’ attendance policy warns: “Inexpensive airfares are not an excuse for extended student vacations.” Fairfax County, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C., also discourages absences for family trips, and at least one of the county’s high schools, Annandale, seems to have an outright travel ban. “Family trips and… [Read Full Article]
education travel programs,education travel tours
Thursday, June 06th, 2013

A Teacher’s Rant on Literacy and War

“War is what happens when language fails,” observes Margaret Atwood. In this sense, the crude methods of uncommunicative adversaries are not unlike pre-verbal toddlers resolving territorial and property disputes with violence. But on closer inspection, these words reveal a broader truth about cultural literacy and peace: what if war is the goal of an Elite, and manipulating the masses to… [Read Full Article]
education travel tours,educational field trips,Educational travel programs
Friday, May 31th, 2013

Why are educational travel tours important for students?

Educational travel tours are an essential vehicle of global competency for students. There is no more effective means to provide students with hands-on-experience and lifetime lessons which transcend the classroom.  No matter the subject area, students are able to comprehend, recall, analyze and apply lessons learned by personal experience. Educational travel tours to historical sites, cities with rich cultural pasts… [Read Full Article]
education travel tours,Educational travel programs