Tuesday, October 08th, 2013
Harvard-Westlake Super-Star Teacher Speaks about Traveling with Us
Cheri Gaulke, the Upper School Head of Visual Arts at Harvard-Westlake School and teacher of Video Art at introductory and advanced levels, and her students are embarking on an educational adventure to Rwanda this upcoming January with Peace Works Travel (PWT). Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide when hundreds of thousands of Tutsi were slaughtered by… [Read Full Article]Education Travel,education travel programs,education travel tours,educational field trips,Educational travel programs,Global Education,Laos Student Trips,Peace Works Travel

Friday, October 04th, 2013
Vo Nguyen Giap, renowned Vietnamese general, dies in Hanoi
Vo Nguyen Giap, the Vietnamese military commander and national folk hero who organized the army that defeated the French and then the Americans in 30 years of Southeast Asian warfare, is dead. That war ended in 1975 when the last remaining U.S. military forces evacuated Saigon, leaving behind a war-torn and battle-scarred nation, united under Communist rule.He died Oct. 4… [Read Full Article]Global Community,Global Education,Live Learn Travel,Peace Works Travel,Vietnam Student Trips,Vietnam War,War

Friday, October 04th, 2013
Women take 64% seats in Parliament
The just-concluded parliamentary elections have handed women an overwhelming majority in Rwanda’s Parliament, an unprecedented 64 per cent of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies.An analysis of the final preliminary results from the three-days voting shows that women will occupy 51 out of the 80 seats in the Lower House..This means Rwanda remains the only country in the world… [Read Full Article]education travel programs,education travel tours,Educational travel programs,Global Community,Global Education,Peace Works Travel,Power to the Peaceful

Wednesday, October 02th, 2013
It is no coincidence that the International Day of Non-Violence, October 2, falls on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was the main leader and activist to lead India to its independence from British rule, and is best known for his strategy of non-violence. His philosophy influenced many other political activists that profoundly believe in non-violence to move forward against… [Read Full Article]Education Travel,education travel programs,education travel tours,Educational travel programs,Global Community,Global Education,Peace Works Travel,Power to the Peaceful