Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
Francis Parker Exploring South East Asia
Sunday, Feb. 15: One Foot in the Past, One in the Future "If you put one foot in the past and one in the future, you pee on today," Yut, our tour guide in Siem Reap, reminded us with his spread-out stance. Although seemingly far from profound and even silly, we've seen this Buddhist sentiment reiterated throughout our several days… [Read Full Article]Arts and Culture,Cambodia Student Trips,Education Travel,education travel programs,education travel tours,Francis Parker Vietnam - Cambodia 2015,PWT Guest Bloggers

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
Francis Parker Exploring Southeast Asia
Saturday, Feb.14: Witnessing the Realities of Cambodia Our group awoke at around 6:30 to have our first breakfast at the Metta Karuna Center. We shared a buffet-style meal, with baguettes, assorted jams, bannanas and packaged ramen soup. After we all stuffed ourselves with food, we hopped on a bus headed for Banteay Srei, an old temple of almost a thousand… [Read Full Article]Arts and Culture,Cambodia Student Trips,Education Travel,Francis Parker Vietnam - Cambodia 2015,Global Community,Global Education,Live Learn Travel,Peace Works Travel Upcoming Trips,Student Spring break program,Student travelers

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
Francis Parker Exploring Southeast Asia
Wednesday, Feb. 11: A Country of Opposites Vietnam is a country of opposites. From order to chaos, from communism to captialism, and from old to new. Today, we explored these seemingly incompatible worlds. Walking in a single-file line through the covered corridor at Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum, it seemed as if we faced a new guard at every step. Despite… [Read Full Article]Cambodia Student Trips,Education Travel,Educational travel programs,Francis Parker Vietnam - Cambodia 2015,Global Community,Global Education,Live Learn Travel,Peace Works Travel Upcoming Trips,Student Spring break program

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
Francis Parker Exploring Southeast Asia
Tuesday, Feb. 10: The Road to Recovery As we piled onto the familiar red bus after another delicious breakfast, Mr. Long, our guide, began to prepare us for our first destination with a little history. Agent Orange: accounting for nearly twelve of the estimated seventeen million gallons sprayed over Vietnam, the herbicide was one of eleven used by the United… [Read Full Article]Arts and Culture,Cambodia Student Trips,Education Travel,Educational travel programs,Francis Parker Vietnam - Cambodia 2015,Global Community,Global Education,Peace Works Travel Upcoming Trips,Student Spring break program,Student travelers

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
Francis Parker Exploring Southeast Asia
Monday, Feb. 9: Getting Outside the Comfort Zone On the morning of our second day, we awoke to the sounds of the many horns from the busy, motor bike-filled streets of Hanoi. After enjoying a Vietnamese version of a continental breakfast, we made our way onto the bus, where we met Mr. Long, our tour guide for the remainder of… [Read Full Article]Francis Parker Vietnam - Cambodia 2015,Live Learn Travel,PWT Guest Bloggers,Student Spring break program,Student travelers