Friday, March 30th, 2012
Lessons in Love
Yesterday at Angkor Wat, we witnessed the definition of love.To enter the highest level of the temple complex, you must cover your knees. As we were in line to ascend, many were being pulled out of line for shorts that were too short, sarongs that showed a bit too much thigh, or other kneely infractions. A couple in front of… [Read Full Article]Cambodia Student Trips,PWT Guest Bloggers,Teacher Highlights

Friday, March 30th, 2012
Making New Friends at the Peace Works Travel Village
Santa Barbara students in VietnamDay 8 - Hanoi/Peace Works Travel VillageToday, our second full day in Hanoi, we ventured to the outskirts to visit the Peace Works Travel Village. As we were further informed by the headmaster through translation by our tour guide, Peace Works Travel Village is a completely free school for victims of Agent Orange. The school is… [Read Full Article]Live Learn Travel,PWT Guest Bloggers,Student Community Service,Vietnam Student Trips

Thursday, March 29th, 2012
Summer Travel: Thailand Discovery
With lush rainforest, jungle-entwined mountains, legendary beaches and a wealth of culture and history, it is no wonder the Thai people are proud of their country and heritage. Taking the title, “land of the free,” Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that escaped western imperial rule, and its dynamic urban centers, beautiful countryside and smiling peoples are a… [Read Full Article]Education Travel,Peace Works Travel Upcoming Trips

Thursday, March 29th, 2012
Elephant Rides and Lessons in Living History
Laguna Blanca School in Cambodia From the time we heard the plan for today, all anyone could talk about was the fact that we would be riding elephants. After what was comparatively a late start (we left the hotel at 7:30), we headed to the temples for the third time. We were soon on the elephants and bobbing peacefully along… [Read Full Article]Cambodia Student Trips,Live Learn Travel,PWT Guest Bloggers,Student Community Service,Student travelers

Thursday, March 29th, 2012
Historical Hanoi
Santa Barbara students in VietnamDay 7 - HanoiThis morning we woke up in Hanoi, after some failed wake up calls and early morning runs, we finally boarded the bus a little late and sleepy.We drove off past Hoan Kiem Lake where we saw the floating pagoda and the preserved 500 year old turtle, who's 500 year old female mate still… [Read Full Article]PWT Guest Bloggers,Student travelers,Vietnam Student Trips